The Art of Balance

Picture of rocks balancing on top of each other.

The art of balance includes all aspects of the being. Some would be surprised to discover that the mind also needs balance. How and why? Because the mind also just like the body, needs time to process, assimilate and digest information.


Just as the physical body needs time to break down, process, assimilate and to digest food, it also removes toxins that accumulate.  As does the mind need to go through the same process. The mind also needs time to remove any waste products which maybe causing you suffering, harm or unhappiness.


Let’s take an example… when you find out some bad news, like a death (for those of you who have experienced it and know what I am talking about), your mind freezes and in turn your body responds by freezing. Taking time to process a death, understand, assimilate and then digest the events that have occurred is a healthy way of dealing with this stressful life event. It most likely will throw you off your mental balance, if only even for a moment.


So, what do you do about this… one must regularly take time out to introspect, to reflect upon ones development of the self.


This time out must be used wisely. I know we are all busy with limited time.


But taking time out to invest in yourself, to develop yourself is one of the greatest gifts you could regularly give yourself. To nourish yourself.


Try it, take time out to understand where you are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Are you liking where you are? Are you happy? If not, what can you do about it?  Do you have the will to change? If you don’t, can you stir up the courage to change?


Challenge yourself to be better, go on I dare you!

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