Health Coaching

Welcome to the Life of Health page!

We are excited for you to join us and share your journey towards a healthier and happier you! Life of health is all about creating a dynamic, strong and healthy daily routine, which supports your health, digestion and ability to rebalance the body back to wellness. In life we are faced with many challenges, lack of time and lots of stress. Learning about your body and understanding the foods you eat, do have an impact on your body. We want to support you understand what impact these foods have and to guide you to rebalance your body. Our health coaches will really support you to put yourself back in the driver’s seat to taking control of your own health. We encourage this, as we believe if you are able to do this for yourself, you can also be an advocate for your family and friends to lead a healthier life. Everyone needs someone in the family that can support with rebalancing the body.

Colourful salad bowl to stimulate your palate and mind

How our private health coaching works:

Our health coaches work with individual clients, focusing on the root cause of the problem and the goals our client’s desire. We work to rebalance the body using supplements, functional medicine resets, fasting, diet protocols, food diaries, removal of toxicities, and each individual will require a different plan. We don’t use one modality of medicine, but fuse together many different types to ensure we individualise the nutrition plan that works for you and identifies the root cause of the issue.  

It is our mission at life of lessons to treat our clients holistically, focusing on the body, mind and spirit. Using foundational healthy living, through right eating, correct mixing of foods, identifying food sensitivities and vitamin and mineral imbalances and working together to re-balance the body.  

Health coaching includes an initial 90 minute session with one of our coaches and a further two follow up sessions every 3 weeks. You can contact us at any point with any questions you may have via our client’s only email. We also have a community Facebook group which you can join, and post any questions in there.