Ways to Deal with Stress

A Picture of a pencil that has been sharpened.

The way you deal with stress now, will be the way you deal with it for the rest of your life. Therefore it is important we work to create healthy stress busting habits now. Why? Why should you listen?

1. Stress triggers adrenaline and the use of the sympathetic nervous system. Putting building and healing of the body on hold.

2. You can fatigue your adrenal glands.

3. Will determine how much you evolve on your journey.

4. Will create your habits for life. Once a habit is created good or bad, it is generally harder to undo. Not to say you can’t but don’t underestimate the power they hold over you!


Negative mechanisms of stress can cause harm to yourself and those around you. For each person, the process will differ. Some will engage deeper into their negative thinking which is reflected in their action, others will comfort eat. These mechanisms have the power to destroy relationships, health and prosperity.


Before it destroys you, destroy it.


It’s a battle you can win.


Positive mechanisms of stress are those created to enhance one’s being. These mechanisms use stress as a fuel to succeed. Stress is managed, by making lists, learning, planning and changing. Through this natural flow, stress is changed into a positive flow and is cleared healthily. So, some stress is good! And stress mechanisms can change throughout ones life. We as individuals must work to adapt during different phases of our lives. We are all learning and constantly changing.


Have you thought about your cooping mechanisms for stress?


Here are some questions for reflection…

1. How do you deal with stress?

2. Do you have symptoms of burn out?

3. Does it trigger any one of the negative mechanisms?

4. What are your next steps?


Is it time you make changing to your strategies?

Perhaps you can talk to someone to release your stress?

Ask your partner for support. Ask your best friend for support. Ask your parents?

Throw fear out the window and do it anyway.

Write down your thoughts and solutions to any hurdles you see.


Remember you can only ever get better.  Everyday focus on being the best you can be.

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