The Power of Thought

man sitting on rock overlooking sunset

The power of thought

Have you observed your thoughts recently?

Why, you may ask…

Because your thoughts are which govern your internal environment and therefore reflect what your external environment will seem to be. Your thoughts generate chemical movement patterns in your body and they can also create habits and patterns. Your habits are which create your personality and characteristics. They have a huge influence on who you are.

Reflecting on your thoughts is important.

Your thoughts can be a concoction of an explosive damaging poison, which is seeping into your mind and body, imprinting into your nervous system. Or they can be nurturing and healing through the harmonious balanced and peaceful nature of your thinking. We have the power to control and change this at our will.

It is up to you to create an internal environment of self-governing to ease and nurture your being. If you are trying to heal yourself from an illness, remember first to show yourself kindness, compassion and patience. Sprinkle positive energy, all over your being inside, and you will feel your body responding with a healing response.

It is simple. However, it does take practise and patience to master.

I’ll give you an example, if you have a cold, but your favourite band is holding a concert, you will get up and just go… When you are watching your favourite band you are so engrossed in this moment, that you forget you are ill and have a cold. Whereas, if you had to go to work, to the job you hate, you may feel extremely sick. So take some time to be with your thoughts, listen to them and clear out what is not needed.

Journaling our thoughts is one technique, to help see our thoughts on paper and allows us to revisit them at a future point in time if needed. If this is out of your comfort zone, then just being present and listening to your thoughts, helps one be free.

The power is in your hands.

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